Time Series Lab

Advanced Renewable Modeling

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Time Series Lab, also known as TSL, is a renewable modeling tool that produces future synthetic generation scenarios for intermittent Variable Renewable Energy (VRE) sources. Our power system models use TSL to enhance the representation of renewable energy sources by creating detailed hourly scenarios.

Historical renewable record

TSL creates a synthetic hourly historical record by processing the information available in the global reanalysis database.

Project hotspots

TSL provides a tool to find ideal locations for generic wind and solar plant projects.

Renewable scenarios

TSL generates future VRE scenarios that are temporally and spatially correlated with hydrological inflows.

Renewable scenarios generation

To estimate the statistical model that produces the synthetic scenarios, TSL needs historical data of VRE generation, which may be very challenging to obtain. Real historical data can be introduced by the user or a hourly historical based on reanalysis data of wind speed and solar irradiation can be created.

TSL represents the joint probability distribution of all intermittent renewable and hydro resources for both existing and future plants.

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Common applications of TSL

Renewable integration analysist

Valuation of renewable projects

Production cost simulation studies

Expansion planning tasks

A powerful georreferenced tool

A georeferenced tool is crucial for renewable energy projects as it provides a comprehensive visualization of various data sets, including resource availability, land use, and environmental constraints. TSL enhances decision-making by allowing users to easily and intuitively edit coordinates, ensuring precise placement of renewable energy installations. Such capabilities are essential for optimizing site selection, minimizing environmental impact, and maximizing efficiency in harnessing renewable resources.

TSL is included as an extra tool within the licenses for SDDP, OptGen, and NCP

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