PSR teaches course in Mexico on expansion and operation planning considering uncertainties and market risks

PSR teaches course in Mexico on expansion and operation planning considering uncertainties and market risks

9 de March de 2020

Last week, March 2-4, in Ciudad de Mexico, MX, PSR gave a course on new methodologies used in expansion and operation planning, at the Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN). The “state of the art” in decision-making methodologies under uncertainty and risks in the electric markets were discussed. Besides the master’s / doctorate students from IPN, professionals from CENACE and from some companies from the sector, such as CFE, also attended the course.

The course, taught by PSR’s specialists Luiz Barroso and Alessandro Soares, was focused on analyzing investment decisions in generation under market risks, seeking to define an expansion plan that is robust to different scenarios considering the challenges of integrating non-conventional renewable sources (wind and solar plants).

The material used in the course is available here.