Energy Portfolios Management
OptFolio is a decision-support tool designed to model, simulate, and optimize electricity portfolios comprising both physical and financial assets, such as generators and Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs). It accounts for various uncertainties, including renewable output and spot prices. Portfolio managers use OptFolio to evaluate financial risks, simulate and assess trading strategies, and optimize their electricity source mix.
Portfolio simulation
Simulate a portfolio's outcome under different scenarios.
Impact assessment
Assess the impact on results of adding additional PPAs or physical assets to the portfolio.
Balancing risk and return
Optimize the volume of power to sell through PPAs from a risk vs. return perspective.
Sales optimization
Evaluate and optimize sales and/or supply strategies considering one or more risk constrains to cash-flow.
Project valuation
Estimate the value of existing or new power projects, whether they are stand-alone projects or part of a larger portfolio.
Future-oriented investments
Optimize investment strategies considering future trends such as decreasing capex costs.
Dynamic decision modeling
Using the dynamic decision trees method.
Goal seek analysis
Calculate the contract price needed to reach a targeted profitability.
Integrated expansion planning
Combine with Optgen to include the investors' perspectives into the system expansion planning.
PSR revolutionizes expansion planning by incorporating investors' viewpoints into a centralized framework. Traditional planning models often neglect investor considerations, leading to suboptimal project selections. OptFolio addresses this gap by seamlessly integrating with OptGen, our expansion planning tool.
OptFolio identifies an optimal portfolio of projects for power systems, considering uncertainties and energy policies. By simulating investors' risk analysis processes, it assigns premiums to risky projects, reflecting increased investment costs in OptGen. This iterative approach ensures project selections align with both the centralized planner's and investor's objectives.
With OptFolio, expansion planning achieves a harmonious balance between system efficiency and investor attractiveness, paving the way for sustainable and profitable growth.
Download OptFolio folderOptFolio can be integrated a suite of additional tools designed to enhance your experience and productivity. PSRIO is an included business intelligence tool for advanced data analysis and visualiation and Time Series Lab can be used by OptFolio for renewable scenario generation.
Our team provides not only support services on software, but also an interactive knowledge base platform and the possibility to organize training sessions.